With Aflac you can have help every step of the way. From educating and enrolling employees to managing your accounts, Aflac provides solutions that help ease benefits administration for you.
Getting Started with Aflac
- Step 1: Contact, Dolores Romero-Stewart (818) 421-3084
- Step 2: Dolores will call you in about two business days to set up a short meeting at your office.
- She will discuss your specific insurance needs to help you create the best mix of policies and services for your business.
- Step 3: Once your plan is set, well talk directly with your employees at the office, answer their questions and introduce them to the policies that best suit them.
- Well handle the enrollment too, so there's no paperwork for you.
Administering Aflac - It's Easy, We Do Everything for You
- Each month, you'll receive a single statement.
- After cross-checking against your payroll records and noting any discrepancies, you'll send in one payment.
- You'll always receive invoices for payroll deductions after you make them, which means you'll never have to pay premiums out of pocket.
- Manage your billing information faster and easier with our Online Services; you can view and update information, reconcile invoices, and submit service requests online, anytime.
- We'll handle your employees' claims, so you don't have to.
- Any time your employees need to file a claim, they may contact us online using our Policyholder Service Center or give us a call at our Customer Service Center.
- Employees' checks will be sent directly to them (unless they choose otherwise), usually within just four business days, so you won't have frustrated staff to deal with.
- We'll make it easier for your company to remain in compliance with COBRA/HIPAA regulations, helping to reduce your administrative duties and avoid any legal liabilities.
Strength & Stability
Number One Provider
- Aflac is the number one provider of individual health insurance guaranteed-renewable insurance in the United States (National Underwriter, Life and Health Statistical Report, August 20/27, 2007).
- The Premier Provider:
- The employees of more than 400,000 payroll accounts in the United States have Aflac.
- Experienced with Section 125
- Aflac's Flex One® program was established in January 1990. Since then, Flex One has assisted over 200,000 employers in establishing flexible benefits plans for their employees.
- Excellent in Customer Satisfaction
- Aflac processes most claims within four days (company statistics, December 2007).
- Financially Strong*
- Founded in 1955, Aflac is a Fortune 500 company. The common shares of Aflac Incorporated, the parent company, are traded primarily on the New York Stock Exchange. Standard & Poor’s rates Aflac AA- in insurer financial strength. Fitch, Inc., rates Aflac AA in insurer financial strength (March 2008).
- Business to Business Company of the Year
- Business to Business magazine named Aflac its Company of the Year, making Aflac the first Columbus-based company to receive the award since the Atlanta magazine began presenting the award in 1999 (2006).